Getting an insurance plan provides tons of benefits that most people fail to see, especially if they only see it as another money-eating pit. And here are three solid reasons why you should get an insurance now

Income Continuation

Life is always filled with unexpected circumstances, pitfalls, and accidents that keep us from progressing, growing, and earning. And if you are the sole breadwinner, then being incapacitated means no money and food for you and your family. But, with our insurance plan, you can be a step ahead of the inevitable accidents through our Income Continuation program. This plan provides a replacement for the income you may lose when you have become physically unable to work due to an injury incurred or a sickness. Grab the chance to protect your family from unexpected hiccups as early as now.

Education Fund Planning

Education is the key to success and stability, providing us with the necessary tools to intellectually navigate through this man-eats-man world of ours. As parents or parents-to-be, it is one of our life goals to provide our children’s best education. However, nowadays, the ever-increasing educational cost can easily hamper and rob our children’s dreams of a brighter future if we don’t start planning. With our Educational Fund Planning, you can effectively and wisely begin saving money for your kids’ education. Don’t just be a provider for the moment, be a planner for the future and equip your children to achieve their ambitions.

Group Life

Insurance plans are not just for individuals or families; they are also made available for large groups such as companies and organizations. As a business or company owner, the very best step to match your hardworking employees’ day-to-day toiling is to provide them with affordable yet buildable life insurance policies. A life insurance plan from your workplace is like a protective shield and a solid foundation that supports employees in their companies’ duration. And we offer various Group Life Insurance plans depending on your group’s or company’s requirements, needs, and capacity.

Investment Planning

If there is one wrong mindset that you should break today, its this, ‘investment is only for the rich.’ Unlike what most people have come to believe, investing doesn’t need a mountain of money and training in the stock market world to get you started. You can simply begin with what you currently have and work your way there. Investment Planning has become an integral part of life insurance programs nowadays. We provide an array of investment plans tailored-made depending on your current situation, season, and financial status. All we need to do is match your financial goals with your existing resources and identify the best investment strategy that will best complement these two components.

Health Protection

People often focus on growing their finances and properties that they tend to fail on investing in their health and well-being. As the saying goes, “health is wealth’; it’s that one irreplaceable asset that you must value and safeguard at all cost. Our Health Protection Plan provides full coverage for all your possible future medical-related expenses. This includes surgery payments, hospital check-ins, and other related fees. Injury-causing accidents and illnesses strike at the most unexpected of times. Have the confidence to get treated without the need to worry about piled-up bills.

Retirement Investment Planning

Retirement may seem like a far-off season, but preparing for your golden years should start today. Every year only a handful of people are lucky enough to retire in comfort and style. But whether you were born with a silver spoon on your mouth or not, getting retirement insurance is a must. Our Retirement Insurance Plan provides a stable financial backup during your elder years, so you don’t need to just rely on your pension to help keep you going. It also protects you and your family from incurring unnecessary debt once you say goodbye to your job. And since most elderly individuals prefer not to be a burden to their children, this insurance plan will ensure your financial freedom and a stable lifestyle as you traverse your golden season.